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  5. For the first time I became interested in sex toys at the age of 19-20. After graduation, I worked a little and got the opportunity to pamper myself. Moreover, there was no relationship then, and sex too … Around the same time, there was the first visit to the sex shop – a very exciting event! I decided more than a month, and until the last I doubted, but the desire to experience something “special” still overpowered. I remember I was very excited at the mere thought that I would have to walk and look, tell the sellers what you want to buy, and how they would look at you after that … After a month of doubts, I still came. Half an hour looking for the entrance to the sex shop. I walked around the building 10 times, but there was no sign of the entrance. Just a residential building with a few shops – no signs, no signs, nothing at all. And the entrance was inside one of the usual shops. Well camouflaged. Later, a sign was also found – small, modest and completely inconspicuous.
    The sex shop had a nice atmosphere, dim lights and no one but 2 male salespeople. The room was divided into several thematic parts. The first had only sex toys, the second was all for role-playing, and the third was erotic lingerie. Walked and looked. Not to say that he was very shy, but he still experienced a certain tension.
    For the first time I took a few toys:
    1. A simple vagina (masturbator). It was unpleasant to use without a condom (albeit with lubrication) due to the hard internal relief. If with a condom, then everything is fine. But the orgasm came too fast, so it wasn’t very interesting. In general, it felt no different from the usual strong hand grip on the cock.
    2. Small anal vibrator. In principle, he became a favorite toy during masturbation, he always finished with him very hard. During orgasm, he slipped out of the ass, so you had to hold him or not use lubricant. Then I noticed that if, after ejaculation, you insert it into yourself again, then a second erection occurs much faster. By the way, it was after meeting with the vibrator that I realized what the secret of the prostate is, and that it stands out from its stimulation.
    3. Small butt plug. I liked to put it on the edge of the table and sit down ass. At first, just sit and get high, move a little – the erection was iron, lubricant was constantly emitted from the penis. But still, it didn’t work out from sex toys (without penis stimulation).
    Then there were new toys:
    4. Tried a full dildo first (no vibration). I was attracted to it by its appearance – beautiful, delicate material, pleasant to touch, but it turned out to be too large (4 cm thick). After several uses, I realized that the experiments with large toys are over.
    5. Then came a small anal dildo on a suction cup – thin, curved, hard, with a relief head. I’ve had a lot of fun with him. I attached it on the table, and on the wall in the bathroom, and in the position of a rider in bed … Most of all I liked to sit on it and sway at a slow pace for 20-30 minutes (without touching the penis). I liked it more than the orgasm itself.
    6. There were also several prostate massagers. Moreover, both very inexpensive and top … Advertising, as always, lied – not a single such massager can replace a living finger. There is something to compare with in this regard … It’s nice, of course, and there weren’t any massagers, but it didn’t work out from them (without penis stimulation). But from the female finger finished.
    7. There were anal beads and chains. Also amusing toys, but completely useless. Compared to vibrators, it’s somehow completely uninteresting.
    8. Realistic vagina (masturbator) also turned out to be a complete marketing bullshit. And it doesn’t even look like real sex. Don’t get fooled!
    After 2-3 years of experiments, I realized that I was wasting my money. Not that I really regret it, after all, this is a certain sexual experience, but I realized one thing – in my relationship, these things are clearly superfluous. In sex, I like to caress, touch, hug, talk… And all these toys simply distract and interfere. You’re shifting responsibility from your hands and dick to a piece of plastic. So uninteresting…
    When there was no sex for more than a year, there was no desire to take up toys again. More interested in relaxing and erotic massage. Not all sorts of salons, but personal acquaintances. It is much more pleasant to spend time with a living person than with a piece of plastic. Then for some time there was an opportunity to practice erotic massage. After that, I realized that sex toys are something so primitive compared to what you can do with your own hands, that this is really what is called “the industry is fed.” But “experience is the son of difficult mistakes”, and apparently it was necessary to go through this in order to understand. Not a penny of the sex industry! A living person is everything. Plastic is nothing.

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