March 10, 2025

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    Lucid also said the high-performance Air Sapphire, which it revealed in August, is undergoing final tuning now. Lucid currently estimates that the Air Sapphire will accelerate from zero to 60 miles per hour in 1.89 seconds and have a top speed of 205 miles per hour, making it the world’s quickest sedan. Google sedan popularity and hits one, two, and three will undoubtedly feature clickbait from various self-proclaimed automotive experts predicting the demise of the sedan. Alarming headlines claim the sedan body style is in a death spiral, and manufacturers are quitting the sedan business altogether. While part of that is true, the premise behind it is a little misleading. The Mitsubishi Concept CA-MiEV gives an indication of the direction Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (which launched the Mitsubishi i-MiEV, the world’s first mass-produced electric vehicle) that the company believes electric vehicles (EVs) will be headed in the near future.

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